Rock Bitch

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We care about animals
We donate a portion of our profits to animal welfare organizations, including (but not limited to)  The Humane Society of the United States, and Best Friends Animal Society. We also regularly donate our pet beds, and feeders to local animal rescue groups and are active in our animal rescue efforts. In fact, all of our own pets are rescues.
We believe in and support spay/neuter
Rock- Bitch believes very strongly in helping to end the never-ending cycle of killing millions of perfectly healthy, loveable cats and dogs. So much of this needless killing could be prevented by spaying/neutering your pets, to prevent the cycle of unwanted, homeless animals continuing.
Please spay and neuter your pets
Pet owners can do their part by having their companion animals spayed or neutered. This is the single most important step you can take. Have your pet sterilized so that he or she does not contribute to the pet overpopulation problem, and adopt your next pet from an animal shelter.